Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Julia's Christmas Program

Julia had her Christmas program at school the other day and did soooooo good. It was really good! She said her parts and sang just like she was supposed to. The other kids did great as well. She wrote a letter to Santa and this is what is says
Dear Santa,
I want some toys, I love toys, and I want lots of toys. I have two bears, and my favorite friend is Ashley because she played at my house, but then she had to go home. I want three teddy bears. Emma likes baby toys.
Love Julia.
Posted are some pictures and videos.
If you cant hear Julia she said
R is for Rudolph who guides Santa's sleigh
I is for Icicle I love to lick
We are very proud of how Julia is growing and she is into everything. She is a typical three year old and is very hyper at times. She is a good big sister and loves Emma.
Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!