Saturday, October 1, 2011


Well a few updates for everyone. Julia started kindergarten and she LOVES it. She has been going for about a month and is in the afternoon class. I go help in her class on Thursdays and Julia thinks that is so cool her mom comes to her class! I am glad that she thinks that. She also went on a community field trip this past Wednesday to the Fire Station and the Post Office. She thought it was way fun because she got to shot the fire hose. She also got to see her mom dressed up like a fireman! (pictures to come hopefully if I can get them from the teacher)
We also had our first SEP conferences and the teacher told me Julia has a little problem with being silly in class, but when the teacher tells her to settle down she does and that she is very respectful and she appreciates that (now if I can get her to do that to everyone).
She also said she is top of her class in reading, that there is only one other student that is at her level, which made her mom pretty proud.
She took a DIBELS test (which stands for Dynamic Indications of Basic Early Literacy Skills) and she takes two test and is timed for one minute each. One test she should have 10 and she scored 42 and the other she should have 8 and she had 28. So another thing that made her mom proud!
Emma is growing and starting to talk a little more and our little Thair has started to crawl around and is just a cute little thing
Love you all!