Thursday, September 23, 2010

It's Blue

We are getting a blue package for those who are wanting to know. He is still due on Feb 12. wish us luck!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Well for those who don't know yet, or have a suspicion, yes we are pregnant. We are very excited! We are due in Feb. and Julia is determined she is going to have a baby brother. Julia has also deceided the name of the baby. If it is a girl she wants the name Dora Julia, and if it is a boy Diego Julia. Yes she loves Dora and Diego. We are about 13 weeks along and it has been an emotional roller coaster!! We will be very excited when we are in our 2nd tri! I have been very, VERY tired!!! With 2 girls running around ( the four year old teasing the 1 year old all day everyday) gets me very worn out. Kyle is a good husband and helps out so well!!
More to come!!!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Sneaky, sneaky

Okay so we are eating the other day and our sweet little Emma was eating with us as well, when she didn't want something and thought we couldn't see she dropped her food very sneaky in her lap, then she went on eating what she wanted. And it didn't happen just once, but multiple times. it was very cute!!